I've had a lot of firsts these past few weeks...heard the heartbeat for the first time at 14 weeks (a kickin' 154 beats/min...it's ALWAYS 154!), graduated up to maternity pants at 16 weeks, and yesterday had my first stranger ask me when I was due. :) It has been so much fun so far and I just pray that everything continues smoothly. I would be a liar if I didn't admit that on occasion I sneak away from my nursing duties and doppler the baby's heartbeat :) Ahh, the advantages of working in medicine...
We have our 22 week ultraound the second week in December and we have decided to NOT find out the sex of the baby! We want to be surprised. Most people I tell this to think we are crazy (there are a few exceptions) but we just think it will be such a special surprise. So in the meantime, we get to pick out a boy AND a girl name, which is fun. Dave and I are each making a list and when we are done, we will compare names and go from there. I of course already have my completed list...Dave is a bit behind, but I'll cut him some slack since he works over 80 hours a week.
All of this is going by so fast...I guess April will be here before we know it!